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Natural Non-Toxic Fragrance Trend
Switching to natural ingredient based frangrances is a growing trend, which is no surprise considering all the terrible side-effects of chemical based fragrances. The Environmental Working Group’s Cosmetics
Database gives plenty of reasons why you should throw out artificial fragrances of your beauty bag.

Artificial fragrances has dominated the fragrance industry for years. Now, people are starting to realize just how bad the chemical compounds that make up those beloved fragrances really are.
Firstly, the chemical ingredients that extend shelf life of perfumes is known to be a human immune toxicant & irritant. Conventional fragrances (perfumes) also contain ingredients known as phthalates which are hormone disrupting chemicals – so they mess your endocrine system up - even if you are not wearing the perfume, only smelling it. Yuck!
Traditional fragrances can be down right irritating to most people. They cause everything from asthma, sneezing, eye irritations, skin irritations and heaaches to people caught in the line of fumes around someone wearing traditional perfume. Then when you add onto that, the potential fertility issues and other damaging side-effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals and the harmful effects on the environment, you can see why so many people are turning their noses up at traditional perfumes an opting for a more natural choice.
Can you identify that scent? Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to nail down what traditional perfumes remind you of? It's because the smell of them is not a scent found primarily in nature. Sure, they have hints of jasmine or notes of sunflower, or citris, but overall, they are carefully combined cocktails of chemicals that are really sort of unpleasant when you really get down to the nitty gritty of what goes into them.
To help you find some natural fragrances that are right for you, we have selected a group of handcrafted products that contain mainly plant extracts, distilled flower essences, and essential oils. Check out our picks:
All the products mentioned in this list are free of phthalates.
Red Flower Guaiac Organic Roll-On Perfume

This natural fragrance from Guiac is named from a tree called the Guaiacum tree, which is also known as the 'tree of life'.
This fragrance has the duel effect of both smelling lovely and also helps reduce stress. It is a blend of organic ingredients: frankincense, rose, and pink grapefruit.
Lurk BB11 Perfume Oil

Lurk is the creation of Anne Sanford famous for her hand in creating packaging and beauty products for
Anthropologie as well as other top brands.
The BB11 fragrance is a very clean feeling essential-oil-based scent with a combination of mixture of unique ingredients like, black balsam, ambrette seed, and some floral ingredients. It is a very modern and clean feeling scent. If you like the inviting smells of Anthropologie when you wander in their stores, you will probably love this perfume oil.
$60 from
Earth Tu Face Jasmine Balm

This little treasure is a balm, and also one of my personal favorites, mainly because of the Little Mermaid like packaging. It comes in a goreous little shell compact - it's actually a real shell! I also love blend of Jasmine oils, Organic Safflower Oil, raw, unfiltered Beeswax and 100% plant-derived Vitamin E. The fact that it's a balm makes it even more lovely to put on since you smoothe it on like a little moisturizing balm, and then smell beautiful for hours.
$78 on
Juara Candlenut Perfume Oil

This all natural roll-on perfume oil is the perfect little scented gem to keep in your purse. It's tiny and great for on the go perfume needs. The signature candlenut scent is a soothing tropical scent that will make you feel like you've been transorted to a tropical island. The sublte hints of fresh cocount, freesia, jasmine, bergamot, rose, with just a hint of fresh coconut leaves you with a scense of a veritable bouquet of tropical scents.
$28 from
Tsi La Misaki

This light scent brings on a feeling of stepping foot into a lovely English garden with the scent of lavendar, mint and earthy herbal notes. It also contains green tea, Sicilian bergamot, Tahitian vanilla and flower extracts. It's a very relaxing, calming scent.