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Top Spa and Wellness Trends 2014
As we begin 2014, ready for new adventures and determined to fulfill our New Years resolutions, many of us will look to our local health, spa and wellness centers to help us along the way. A new year usually means new trends will emerge in the Spa and Wellness Industry as new innovations are devloped and the demand for particular treatments becomes popular.
In 2013 we saw popularity and demand gain for 'healthy hotels', Ayurvedic techniques, holistic health techniques, and an increased use of the word 'wellness'. The industry itself saw a huge boost in the last few years as demand for spa services increased tremendously.
"According to ISPA, the upward momentum of the spa industry has positively impacted the overall United States economy. In addition to generating $14 billion in revenue in 2012, the industry employs more than 343,000 individuals in the United States. The total number of spa visits increased to 160 million and the average client spent $87 per visit..." From an article written by Cathy Christensen of Skin Inc. magazine

Our predictions for the Top 5 Spa Trends for 2014 are:
1. Farm-To-Spa
What is that you ask? Some spas and wellness centers are taking the organic movement very seriously, and recognize the desire of many people to have a more natural experience with skin and hair care products. Spas are now starting to offer not only that refreshing cucumber water when you walk in but also treatments that use natural ingredients straight from the garden.
2. Custom Botanical Extracts
Products containing botanical extracts have always been used by spas to address skin care issues. Since every person has unique skin and skin care needs, a new concept that is gaining traction is to have custom made products using a combination of botanical extracts. Ingredients are focused around plant acids, enzymes, proteins, vitamins and natural food ingredients, and are customized by Estheticians to meet the needs of their individual clients.
3. Mindful Healing
The practice of pranayama (Sanskrit for "extension of the life-force") has been used for centuries in India for healing and reducing stress through breathing exercises. The techniques, up until recently mainly found in your local Yoga class, are now branching out to become a part of the spa and wellness experiences as well. A trend that gained steam in 2013, you can expect to find instructors and therapists trained in Ayurvedic practices to help you have the ultimate experience in relaxation, mindfulness and healing during your trip to the spa.
4. Hyper-pigmentation Fixes
With the increased use of birth control (the use of hormones can cause uneven patches on your skin) and the growing demand for even skin tone, treatments that specifically focus on creating that perfectly even skin tone are sure to be popular with women of all ages this year.
Techniques such as light treatments, lasers and topical treatments such as Hydroquinone are the latest and most effective tricks of the trade. Hydroquinone is a topical treatment that stops enzymes that activate melanin production. This kind of treatment regime is often used in combination with retinol creams.
5. Skin Lightening
The days of super tanned skin are numbered. Thanks to Asian markets having a greater effect on global trends, new skin lightening products are making a debut in the United States and other western countries in a big way. Skin lightening has been a popular beauty trend in Asian countries and India for a while, but never really caught on in sun-bathing and tanning happy western cultures until the last year or so. 2014 is sure to see a big boost for demand of skin lightening products and treatments.
Read more about skin lightening in the article below...
Skin lightening trend in Asia boosts global market
By Andrew McDougall+, 04-Jun-2013
Skin lightening has long been a trend in Asia and is set to continue to boost the global market in the next five years, according to Global Industry Analysts’ latest report.
Additional references sourced for this article:
- International SPA Association’s (ISPA) 2013 U.S. Spa Industry Study
- Cathy Christensen of Skin Inc. magazine
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