60622 Makeup Artists

Makeup Artists

Makeup Artists in the 60622 area

Find the best Cosmetologists and Salons in the 60622 area. Beauty salons may offer a variety of services including professional hair cutting and styling, manicures and pedicures, and often cosmetics, makeup and makeovers.Find Makeup Artists in another area.
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Company Information Services Offered
Jack Alexander Salon and Spa2
708 N. Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60654
Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Basic Hair Cuts for Men, Childrens Haircuts, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Men, Ethnic Hair Styling, Highlights and Color, Hair Blowouts, Hair Straightening, Curling & Waving, Relaxers and Perms...
Bellisima Salon And Spa
1744 W Grand ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Childrens Haircuts, Basic Hair Cuts for Men, Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Men, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Relaxers and Perms, Highlights and Color, Eyebrow Shaping, Facial Grooming, Hair Treatments, Shampoo and Condition...
Eleventh Hour Salon
210 N. Halsted
Chicago, IL 60661
Hair Blowouts, Hair Straightening, Eyebrows, Eyelashes, Shampoo and Conditioning, Hair Treatments, Hair Extensions, Waxing Hair Removal, Facials, Anti Aging, Polishing, Bronzing, Skin Exfoliation, MicroDermabrasion, Chemical Peel, Spray Tan...
Make Up Magic By Jeffery Segal
1040 W Huron St
Chicago, IL 60622
Makeup, Makeovers, Permanent Makeup
Leila Yahi Hair Design
10 W. Jefferson
Chicago, IL 60540
3.0 Stars
Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Basic Hair Cuts for Men, Childrens Haircuts, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Men, Ethnic Hair Styling, Hair Straightening, Curling & Waving, Relaxers and Perms, Shampoo and Conditioning, Hair Trea...

Company Information Services Offered
Amazing Lash Studio
1845 N Clybourn Ave
Chicago, IL 60614
Eyebrows and Eyelashes
Love Your Skin
1440 N Kingsbury St Suite 124
Chicago, IL 60642
Eyebrow Shaping, Waxing Hair Removal, Manicures, Pedicures, Nail Polish, Hand Treatments, Facials, Anti Aging, Polishing, Bronzing, Skin Exfoliation, MicroDermabrasion, Chemical Peel, Body Wrapping, Makeup, Makeovers, Eye Beautification
Charles Ifergan
106 E. Oak St
Chicago, IL 60611
Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Basic Hair Cuts for Men, Facial Grooming, Childrens Haircuts, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Men, Ethnic Hair Styling, Highlights and Color, Hair Blowouts, Hair Straightening, Curling & Waving, R...
Chicago Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist Ani

Chicago, IL 60654
Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Highlights and Color, Hair Blowouts, Hair Straightening, Curling & Waving, Relaxers and Perms, Eyebrow Shaping, Shampoo and Conditioning, Hair Treatments, Hair Restoration, Hair Extensi...
Chicago, IL 60661
Eyebrows and Eyelashes, Permanent Makeup
Black Opal
222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL 60654
Anti Aging, Makeup, Makeovers
Salon Lashe Chicago
Chicago, IL 60611
Makeup, Makeovers, Eye Beautification, Permanent Makeup
Arsova Salon Chicago
747 N LaSalle St
Chicago, IL 60654
Hair Services, Makeup, Makeovers
Chicago, IL 60661
Permanent Makeup
Facials Du Jour
Mobile Service Provider
Chicago, IL 60615
Facials, Makeup, Makeovers, Waxing Hair Removal
Chicago, IL 60604
Ethnic Hair Styling, Bridal Services, Manicures, Pedicures, Nail Polish, Nail Repair, Hand Treatments, Facials, Anti Aging, Polishing, Bronzing, Skin Exfoliation, Chemical Peel, Spray Tanning, Esthetician Training, Mud Bathing, Body Wrappin...
Mirror Mirror spa salon
807 W Randolph st
Chicago, IL 60607
Childrens Haircuts, Basic Hair Cuts for Men, Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Men, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Ethnic Hair Styling, Hair Straightening, Curling & Waving, Relaxers and Perms, Highlights and Color, Eyebrow Shapi...
The Patrick Anderson Long Hair Salon
11 e Superior st
Chicago, IL 60611
Childrens Haircuts, Basic Hair Cuts for Men, Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Men, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Ethnic Hair Styling, Hair Straightening, Curling & Waving, Relaxers and Perms, Highlights and Color, Facial Groomi...
Capelli Hair Salon
300 w Grand ave
Chicago, IL 60654
Childrens Haircuts, Basic Hair Cuts for Men, Basic Hair Cuts for Women, Pro Hair Styling for Men, Pro Hair Styling for Women, Ethnic Hair Styling, Hair Straightening, Curling & Waving, Relaxers and Perms, Highlights and Color, Eyebrow Shapi...

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