Benson You-Acupuncture Specialists Reviews |
Benson You-Acupuncture Specialists - 3.9 out of 5 based on 4 ratings. |
User Review - mark A | great service, great treatment I went to dr. benson you on a chronic sciatic nerve issue that i had for 3 weeks prior. yes, the needles did fear me, but after I sucked it up and took it like I should have, my sciatic nerve issue is GONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. gone as in disappeared, gone as in never happened. you might think, no big deal, but this has been a huge deal for me, dr. you is the cure. one of the true pioneers left that's a true lover of life. 10 out of 10. Dr. Benson You, please so NOT retire! The world needs you.
Review of Benson You-Acupuncture Specialists in San Francisco, CA submitted in August 2010 | Overall Rating | | Convenience Rating | | Atmosphere Rating | | Pricing | |
Acupuncture | | Dieting and Weight Programs | |
User Review - J K | Amazing Place Excellent Caregivers. Very Authentic Office
Review of Benson You-Acupuncture Specialists in San Francisco, CA submitted in January 2010 | Overall Rating | | Convenience Rating | | Atmosphere Rating | | Pricing | |
Dieting and Weight Programs | | Acupuncture | |
User Review - Margarita P | Super Friendly Staff I went to Lily many years ago because I had suffered from insomnia for over 3 years. I would not sleep at all for 2 to 3 days in a row. I was a mess and western medicine was of no help to me. When I got on my cycle of no sleep even sleeping pills did not help. I finally tried acupuncture. Lily is great and very sweet and understanding. She scheduled treatments 3xs a week for a few weeks and gradually went to 2xs/week then once until I was 100%!!!! recovered. The whole treatment took about 6 months. Sounds like a long time, but this was a huge problem that I had for over 3 years! I haven't had insomnia since! Well except for the typical twice a year stress related kind.
I now have a problem with RSI (Tennis elbow, neck problems, etc) I just scheduled an appointment and I am sure they should be able to help me.
Review of Benson You-Acupuncture Specialists in San Francisco, CA submitted in August 2008 | Overall Rating | | Convenience Rating | | Atmosphere Rating | | Pricing | |
User Review - Wend S | Affordable facials with a surprise A friend brought me here for a facial. When I arrived I found out that the facial was a small part! I decided to do the needle treatment on my face. There was a perceptive difference when I left; not just my skin but my overall well-being. I now go once a week for a facial and maybe some acupuncture for an ailment. The staff are caring and wonderful and the owners, Dr. You and Dr. Lily, are awesome. It may seem extravagant to do this once a week but it makes a world of difference in my world. And they do take health insurance! (not for facials, but for treatments)
Review of Benson You-Acupuncture Specialists in San Francisco, CA submitted in June 2008 | Overall Rating | | Convenience Rating | | Atmosphere Rating | | Pricing | |