Visual Changes Reviews |
Visual Changes - 3.7 out of 5 based on 1 ratings. |
User Review - Kathy H | Amazing Talented and Friendly I heard about Visual Changes on the radio. Some crazy commercial about a hair emergency. Well little did I know I was soon to have one of those emergencies. After a horrable color job at another local salon remembering the radio commercial I called Visual Changes. That got me right in and to my amazment I left that day with the most beautiful color and Style I think I have ever had. Thank you Visual Changes
Review of Visual Changes in Fresno, CA submitted in August 2009 | Overall Rating | | Convenience Rating | | Atmosphere Rating | | Pricing | |
Shampoo and Conditioning | | Pro Hair Styling for Women | | Hair Coloring | | Hand Treatments | | Hair Treatments | | Basic Hair Cuts for Women | |